PTW Newsletter

3 thoughts on “PTW Newsletter

  1. Todd York

    Izzy, I’ve really enjoyed reading your program reviews these last few days and appreciate all of the effort it took. Good stuff and look forward to receiving your newsletter. Lastly I’d be interested in your thoughts on “Training Maximally” in Beyond 531.

    Good luck on your training,

    Todd York

    1. Izzy T Post author

      Hi Todd, thanks for the kind words. I am not generally a fan of using ONLY one rep range throughout your training. That said, this is one of the more interesting options Jim presents in the book. If you are good at instinctive training, it does offer a lot of opportunity for autoregulation and you can figure out how to increase the volume from there. Good luck with your training as well!


  2. Daniel Randazzo

    I really appreciate all the good hard work you’re doing keep it up and I like you ;am interested in using the “auto regulation “method hope to correspond with you in the future!

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