ProgrammingToWin Edition TWO is Out NOW!!!

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ProgrammingToWin TWO Is Finally Here!
Grab a copy now!

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What It Is

ProgrammingToWin is the distillation of best practices I have learned in the last eight years of my experience both as a competitive powerlifter and as a coach of competitive powerlifters. After having coached more than two-hundred individual lifters in actual powerlifting meets, providing free programming to thousands of others online, and reading hundreds of books on powerlifting, I have created a system of programming that I believe will yield you the fastest possible results in your first two to four years in the sport. I believe that if I had access to this information when I was first starting powerlifting, I would have made progress at literally twice the rate that I did.

What You Will Get

In a sentence, four years have passed since the first edition of ProgrammingToWin was released and I’ve distilled everything I’ve learned in the past four years into the new programs in this book. The book features more than 100 pages of discussion on the why and the how of optimally programming your first three to five years in the sport of powerlifting. More than fifty pages of discussion are dedicated to the scientific principles of proper powerlifting programming. No stone is left unturned. If you were a fan of the PowerliftingToWin Program Review Series, the first half of the book delves into all of the tools that we used to analyze programs previously: planning, periodization, programming, training advancement, specificity, overload, fatigue management, individual differences, and, of course, autoregulation!

Novice Programs

The novice program includes three distinct phases to help you navigate the early pitfalls of training, avoid needless stalls, and cut down on any wasted time whatsoever. This phase should last you through the first six months to one year of your training career. The novice program has been COMPLETELY REVAMPED including: new exercises, new rep schemes, a new progression protocol, and a new stalling protocol. After four years of collecting data, I’ve made substantial improvements to the program. It isn’t even the same thing anymore.

Intermediate Programs

The intermediate programs are designed to take you from the end of year one of training all the way through to the end of year three (or so). Just as with the novice programs, the Intermediate section is completely revamped with new programs. Since the first edition of ProgrammingToWin, I’ve had the opportunity to work with nearly 200 competitive powerlifters. During this entire period, I’ve meticulously collected data by mining my athletes’ training update documents. I’ve come to new conclusions that have caused me to completely change the Intermediate program! Just as a teaser, I’ll let you in on a secret that you may already know: I no longer use Fatigue Percents… AT ALL. My intermediate programs are now designed to smoothly transition you into Daily Undulating Periodization programs (DUP). I can tell you from first-hand experience that DUP is the primary style of periodization used by most of today’s top IPF lifters. DUP is often described in such vague theoretical terms that no one seems to know how to put a DUP program together in the real world. Well, you don’t have to worry about that anymore. I’ve gone ahead and put one together for you.

Now including Advanced Programming!

I couldn’t be more excited to announce that this version of ProgrammingToWin finally incorporates some advanced programming. By now, most of you who have followed PTW over the years no longer require basic novice and intermediate programming. Most of you are looking for straight forward, easy to apply advanced programming that can take you to the next level. Well, in Version Two of ProgrammingToWin, you’ll get a 13 Week DUP Peaking Program designed to help you smash PRs at your next meet. This program incorporates the EXACT principles that I’ve used to help numerous clients become nationally ranked powerlifters in their country including a few who have gone on to set National records as well as podium. This isn’t just a bunch of DUP theory wanking; this is programming that I’ve tested in the trenches over the past four years of coaching competitive powerlifters.

No More Complicated Math

With the new versions of PNP and PIP, the program has been simplified immensely. You no longer need to bring a calculator to the gym. Really, you don’t even need a complicated spreadsheet. The programming is simple and straight forward. It is constructed in such a way that all you have to do is beat what you did last time and add weight. As long as you do that, you’ll easily stay within the boundaries of the program.

Not Sure?

If you’re still not convinced you want a copy of ProgrammingToWin, I’m going to provide a preview of all the different phases of each program.

PowerliftingToWin Novice Program: PNP2

Remember, this is only Phase 2. The Book contains THREE phases of novice programming.


PowerliftingToWin ADVANCED Program

This is Block 3 of the 13 Week Advanced DUP Peaking Program included in the book!


Get Your Copy of ProgrammingToWin

Well, folks, there you have it. If the programs themselves don’t intrigue you, nothing else I have to say will either!

I put my heart and soul into this project and I couldn’t be more proud of the final product. ProgrammingToWin is the finest work yet produced by PowerliftingToWin.

I love it and I know you will too. Grab a copy of ProgrammingToWin. Please let me know what you think PTW Fam! If you love it as much as me, just remember that sharing is caring. The more people that get a chance to see this book, the more effort I can put into projects exactly like this one in the future. Thank you all so much for your support! I can’t wait to start hearing your thoughts on the book.

Have a nice day,

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    7 thoughts on “ProgrammingToWin Edition TWO is Out NOW!!!

    1. Igor Almeida

      That’s is pretty awesome. I never bought a ebook in my whole life, but this one deserve to be bought (even it being free lol).
      This blog is the greatest single resource for information about powerlifting of the entire web.

    2. VCCrescit

      Hi Izzy,
      This is awesome ! Have to say I expected it like a kid waiting for xmas 😉
      And I agree, your blog is so accurate and complete, love your approach and your general philosophy on this sport !

    3. Leonidas

      Hey Tom, nice work on this one. Great stuff. I got it yesterday and am really liking it. I would like to invite the people who get it to make a donation. It is really worth it.

    4. deadliftman

      Does the book explain where should a trainee start on your program if he has already been doing other programs?
      Also, I am worried by the lack of conventional upper back and external rotation movements. Shoulder joint health seems to be an afterthought in this program if at all. Although may be you do cover it in the book?

      1. Izzy T Post author

        Yes, it does. Mandatory rowing work is included in all phases of the program. Details are in the book.

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