NEW EBOOK! Lose a Pound Per Day: The “Enhanced” PSMF

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The wait is finally over! The secret sauce that I used to lose 30lbs in three weeks and, on another occasion, 30lbs in TEN DAYS is NOW AVAILABLE! 

How to Get Your Copy

You can pick up your copy on GumRoad for $14.99 or you can become a member of for $9.99 and receive a free copy as a my thanks for becoming a member! All members have to do to receive their free copy is login into the site. You save 50% by becoming a member, but the choice is yours!

What You’re Getting with the Lose a Pound Per Day book:

Lose a Pound Per Day, or the PPD Diet, is the fastest way to get shredded ever written about. Guaranteed. Period, point blank.

In this book, in PPD, you will get a detailed breakdown of the exact:
1) The exact Nutrition Plan I followed and recommend including SPECIFIC FOODS and amounts of food to eat per meal.
2) The exact Training Program that I used and recommend for the diet including SPECIFIC EXERCISES, the amount of reps, sets, suggested RPE, and even the rest intervals you should use.
3) The exact “Medication” Protocol that I used and that an individual might considering taking should they the want to try and mimic such drastic results. This includes dosages, timing, tips, and far more.
4) The exact Supplement Regime that I used and recommend including timings, dosages, and SPECIFIC BRANDS that I personally use.

How to increase your metabolism by 50%+!!!

You’ll receive a basic education on THE MOST EFFECTIVE FAT LOSS COMPOUND in EXISTENCE! This compound can increase your metabolic rate by more than 50% and QUADRUPLE your fat loss results. I’m dead serious.

A Full Sample Day with every detail SHOWN

You’ll see a full sample day, with TIME STAMPS, for every meal, every supplement, every “medication”, and, in general, you’ll see the entire puzzle put together. You’ll have everything laid out step-by-step that is necessary to pull off the same type of results you see pictured above.

The Bottom Line on PPD

Look, here’s what this book is: it is the fastest possible way to lose fat without sacrificing hard earned muscle mass. That’s it. This isn’t an in-depth science textbook trying to teach you everything about nutrition or pharmacology; this is a book that gives you the exact protocols necessary to lose fat as fast as humanly possible.


This is the fastest way to get shredded, guaranteed. 

Get Your Copy NOW

If that’s your goal, pick up your copy today.

You can pick up your copy on GumRoad for $14.99 or you can receive your free copy by joining for $9.99.

Hope you love the book!
